Washington D.C: Local hip-hop artist and celebrity Frankey Barrz is back at it again with a new video blog for this week. In this video, Frankey reviews the new Bohemian Rhapsody film and hangs out with the film crew at Washington Digital Media. You can watch the video below, tell us what you think in the comments!
Hoodie Goodies is also pleased to announce that Frankey Barrz will be working with local DC Television to release the "Frankey Barrz Show" which will air on local channels RCN 10, Verizon 11, and Comcast 95. You can check out the trailer below!
We are excited for Frankey as he begins this new creative venture and can't wait to check out the show! Congratulations Frankey Barrz for your hard work, engaging content, and your amazing dedication to the District of Columbia and it's citizens!
Check out Frankey Barrz on Social Media at the links below:
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